Introducing our New Processor: Stripe!

FundEasy and Stripe Logos

FundEasy is proud to announce that we have transitioned to Stripe, a leading and proven merchant provider, as our primary payment processor.

With Stripe, comes a lot of wonderful things, including increased security measures, global accessibility, and an improved donor experience.

Here’s what to expect!

💪🏻 Enhanced Stability

Stripe is renowned for its robust and reliable payment processing infrastructure, ensuring secure and efficient transactions.

💁‍♀️ Direct Access to Support

Say goodbye to intermediaries. With Stripe, you can directly contact their support team for quicker resolutions and more direct communication.

🕐 24/7 Support Channels

Enjoy round-the-clock customer support from Stripe through various channels, providing immediate assistance for a smoother experience.

Are you a FundEasy Customer? Here’s what you need to know…

Onboard to Stripe by April 10, 2024 if you have an active event

Our former merchant, WePay, will no longer be processing transactions for FundEasy Customers beginning April 10, 2024. If you have an event that is currently processing transactions or needs to before then, please onboard to Stripe immediately to avoid any disruption to giving/registrations. Follow this step-by-step guide to get started.

No active event? No problem. Simply onboard to Stripe when you’re setting up your next event.

✅ Full implementation across all products
Stripe integration has been successfully executed across our Attendance, Peer-to-Peer and Crowdfunding. If you have an active event that has already processed transactions with WePay, that’s fine. Once you switch to Stripe, all future transactions will be processed through them, with no change to the end-user’s experience.

🐛 Bugs to Note

If you’ve been around software for any length of time, you know there are always things to be fleshed out after an initial release. Our Development Team is working tirelessly to refine the FundEasy-Stripe onboarding process. As of April 4, these are the current issues we see customers experiencing, and what needs to be done:

  • Manually Entering the Stripe Account: It is currently necessary to enter your Stripe Account Manually in order to link it to FundEasy. Our Developers are working to automate this process. In the meantime, you will need to type the entire account number, which includes “acct_”. Example: acct_1OzNaX4E4elNDq2D

  • Missing Statement Descriptor. Receipts currently say “This transaction will appear on your credit card statement as ““.” The statement descriptor (aka “Soft Descriptor”) is missing. This will be fixed in a future update.

  • Refunds: To initiate a refund, you must do so from inside your Stripe account dashboard. It will not automatically be reflected in FundEasy, so you will also need to initiate refunds in FundEasy to show its status for reporting. This will be fixed in a future update.

  • No Stripe Logo? No Problem. There is currently a broken logo image for Stripe on the FundEasy Legacy Processors page. This is simply a broken image, don’t be alarmed.

💡 Additional Things to Note

While these are not software bugs per-se, they are things we’re hearing about and wanted to bring to your attention to help you have a smooth onboarding:

  • Stripe Requires a Physical Address: Organizations cannot use a PO Box, however, the pre-filled data FundEasy sends to Stripe may include a PO box if that’s what’s in the FundEasy account. This must be updated to a physical address to successfully onboard with Stripe.

  • Don’t Add a Restricted Stripe Account to FundEasy: If your Stripe account is still marked as "Restricted", donations will fail. You MUST log into your Stripe account and ensure your account is cleared and ready to receive donations before adding your Stripe Account to FundEasy.

  • Didn’t finish your onboarding the first time? As long as you made a password with Stripe, then your account has been created. You should be able to log in and pick up where you left off.

  • Getting the Nonprofit Rate Requires an Extra Step: Until you sign up for the nonprofit rate and are approved by Stripe, you will be paying 0.7% more in fees. Also note that the “cover fees” option in event donation forms will only add the fees per the non-profit rate to the donation amounts. Therefore, it’s best to apply for the nonprofit rate before accepting donations. This takes less than 5 minutes and is most-often approved the same day. Instructions are in this step-by-step guide.

📈 Transaction Reports

With our previous merchant, you had access to your transaction/settlement reports within FundEasy. With Stripe, you will access these reports from within your Stripe account.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have an ongoing event that has previously processed transactions with WePay, please export your WePay Transactions report in the Reports & Exports tab before enabling Stripe. Once Stripe is enabled, you will only have access to WePay reporting through your login.

👋🏻 Say Goodbye to the Tipping Option in Peer-to-Peer

With this transition, we also sunsetted an infrequently used feature in Peer-to-Peer. We previously offered an option for organizations to allow donors to tip FundEasy instead of enforcing our standard Platform Fee. This is no longer an option.

💁‍♀️ Need help?
Should you have any questions or need assistance during the transition process, our support team is here for the FundEasy side of the transition and Stripe’s customer support is there for everything else! Our team is committed to ensuring a smooth and stress-free transition for all our valued customers.

We're confident that the new merchant experience with Stripe will elevate your fundraising efforts and help you achieve even greater success.

Happy Fundraising!

Ali Forsyth Headshot

Ali Forsyth
Product Owner